Competition Team

The LAW Dance Competition team is a collection of elite dancers who are passionate about learning and committed to the process and the team. Members are focused on developing their dance skills, are hardworking and understand being part of the team requires a higher level of commitment and expectations. Being part of the competition team is a significant time and financial commitment.
Auditions are required to be part of the competition team. Elite doesn’t necessarily mean advanced-level developed dancer. It can also mean hard working, highly focused dedicated dancers with the mindset and commitment to learn and grow. Competition dancers have to be willing to work hard and make sacrifices for the benefit of their dancing.
Auditions for the 2023 competition season will be held Saturday, August 20, 2022.
Dancers must be present in studio to audition. No makeups or alternate times will be available. Following auditions, invitations will be presented to those who meet the standards of the team. Those making the team are invited to a team brunch and contract signing.
Team brunch and contract signing will be held Sunday, August 21, 2022.
Team membership is not guaranteed and Ms. Lisa will be very selective in her choices of who is the correct fit for the team. If a dancer is not invited, they will be provided with suggestions on how to develop their dance to re-audition the following year
Competition Attendance
Attendance at each required regional and national competition is non-negotiable.
We work with competition team parents when selecting competitions in an effort to avoid any conflicts because all team dancers must be available and present to compete. Individual competition schedules are determined by each show. Please understand studios have no control over competition schedules. Plan on having commitments all three days of each competition weekend. It can mean early mornings, long days and late nights for all team members.
Team members must attend all team performances on the days they compete for every competition. This is a TEAM sport and it is important to be in attendance cheering our teammates on.
School Sports and Other Extra Curricular Activities
We encourage our dancers to be involved in other sports and extra curricular activities. The competition season is long and work begins in the fall. Traditional fall sport schedules can be accommodated. We ask that practice and game schedules are shared with Ms. Lisa so conflicts can be identified and makeup classes can be arranged.
Non-traditional (late start) fall sport schedules can be difficult to accommodate. Please have a discussion with Ms. Lisa to see if it is possible to make things work.
Spring sport schedules directly conflict with competition preparation and competitions themselves. Members of the competition team will not be able to commit to a traditional spring sport schedule.
Non-traditional (late start) spring sport schedules may be possible to accommodate. Please have a discussion with Ms. Lisa to see if it is possible to make things work.
If your dancer has a commitment to other extra curricular activities, please communicate them with Ms. Lisa.
Graded school commitments like band or chorus concerts are allowable activities and valid reasons for missing class. However, during the week of competitions, all efforts must be made to be in class as attendance is mandatory. Classes must be made up if a school event results in a missed class.
Junior/Teen Competition Team
Tuition and Fees
The tuition cost for Junior/Teen competition team members is $180 per month (providing a $50 per month discount as compared to taking the same number of classes and not being on the competition team). Workshops registration fees are in addition to tuition fees. Each competition has specific fees unique to the event. Plan on a fee for each number your dancer is competing as well as potential media fees for photo and video. Costumes for each genre are additional and typically run around $80 each.
To offset costs, several fundraising opportunities are made available throughout the year with proceeds benefiting your individual dancer. The more you participate, the lower your fees. Participation is highly encourage.
Prepare and present a competition audition and be invited to the team.
Enroll in EIGHT genres of dance offered at LAW Dance Studio.
Hip Hop
TWO Competition Group Numbers
Cheer Dance
Musical Theater
Stretch and Strength/PBT
If attending classes at other studios it must be disclosed upfront to Ms. Lisa. LAW Dance Studio Competition Team members may not compete with another studio.
Attend ALL competition classes. Being a part of team means being there for your team.
Attend ALL studio presented workshops.
Attend ALL open summer classes and dance intensive workshop.
Attend ALL mandatory competitions. LAW will participate in 4 mandatory competitions. Optional performance opportunities will also be available throughout the year, including the summer months.
Attend ALL competition team dance classes the week of all competitions.
Make up ALL missed classes due to personal or professional conflicts.
Perform in the annual recital held the second weekend in June. Dress rehearsal is mandatory and will be held on the night before the recital.
Be a student in good standing academically and behaviorally in respective schools.
Students must also be presentable at all times while in the studio and outside of the studio. Students represent LAW Dance Studio in appearance and behavior wherever they are.
It is the expectation of Ms. Lisa that students behave accordingly. Vulgar language and behavior are strictly prohibited.
Sign a contract/code of conduct and live up to the expectations agreed to.
Mini Competition team
Tuition and Fees
The tuition cost for the Mini competition team members is $125 per month (providing a $40 per month discount as compared to taking the same number of classes and not being on the competition team). Workshops registration fees are in addition to tuition fees. Each competition has specific fees unique to the event. Plan on a fee for each number your dancer is competing as well as potential media fees for photo and video. Costumes for each genre are additional and typically run around $80 each.
To offset costs, several fundraising opportunities are made available throughout the year with proceeds benefiting your individual dancer. The more you participate, the lower your fees. Participation is highly encourage.
Prepare and present a competition audition and be invited to the team.
Enroll in TWO combo classes offered at LAW Dance Studio.
Competition Group Number
Cheer Dance
Musical Theater
Hip Hop
If attending classes at other studios it must be disclosed upfront to Ms. Lisa. LAW Dance Studio Competition Team members may not compete with another studio.
Attend ALL competition classes. Being a part of team means being there for your team.
Attend ALL studio presented workshops.
Attend ALL open summer classes and dance intensive workshop.
Attend ALL mandatory competitions. LAW will participate in 4 mandatory competitions. Optional performance opportunities will also be available throughout the year, including the summer months.
Attend ALL competition team dance classes the week of all competitions.
Make up ALL missed classes due to personal or professional conflicts.
Perform in the annual recital held the second weekend in June. Dress rehearsal is mandatory and will be held on the night before the recital.
Be a student in good standing academically and behaviorally in respective schools.
Students must also be presentable at all times while in the studio and outside of the studio. Students represent LAW Dance Studio in appearance and behavior wherever they are.
It is the expectation of Ms. Lisa that students behave accordingly. Vulgar language and behavior are strictly prohibited.
Sign a contract/code of conduct and live up to the expectations agreed to.
Solo Only Competition Option
There are certain circumstances where a dancer benefits from competing a solo only due to personal and professional conflicts. This option must be requested and approved. These dancers are not officially part of the competition team and are exempt from certain rules of the traditional competition team.
Solo dancers will not be part of competition dance numbers and will not be responsible for costumes or fees related to those numbers. They are only responsible for the fees and costumes associated with their individual solo.
Solo dancers have the option to attend competitions. No competition or workshop is required providing the necessary flexibility for these dancers.
If a solo dancer chooses to compete in a competition, they have the option of attending the team performances on the day of their solo performance. It is highly encouraged they do attend to cheer on the team.
Solo dancers must:
Take the same required classes (see above) for traditional competition team dancers according to their age level. The same tuition fees apply.
Perform in the annual recital held the second weekend in June. Dress rehearsal is mandatory and will be held on the night before the recital.
Be a student in good standing academically and behaviorally in respective schools.
Students must also be presentable at all times while in the studio and outside of the studio. Students represent LAW Dance Studio in appearance and behavior wherever they are.
It is the expectation of Ms. Lisa that students behave accordingly. Vulgar language and behavior are strictly prohibited.
Sign a contract/code of conduct and live up to the expectations agreed to.
Competition TEAM PARENTS must:
Pay monthly tuition on time and have their accounts up to date before each competition. If hardships exist, please talk with Ms. Lisa to come up with a solution that works for everyone.
Commit to the team requirements. Quitting is not an option as it negatively impacts the entire team.
Accept and support the dancer consequences established if commitments are not met or code of conduct is violated. These may include but are not limited to pulling solos from competitions, additional required workshops, competitions or classes, extra studio workouts etc.
Purchase LAW competition team jacket. The cost of the jacket is $150 and fundraising opportunities are available. Additional LAW branded gear is made available for purchase, but are not mandatory.
Purchase competition costumes and props for the competition group number (in addition to the costumes for the other 6 pieces). The cost of this costume will be approximately $80 and fundraising opportunities are available.
Volunteer their time at events where the studio will have a presence. Events include but are not limited to:
Labor Day Parade
Stage Props
Christmas Party
Spring Party
Spring Studio Recital
2024/2025 Competition Season Schedule:
The following workshops, conventions and competitions are available for competition team members. In order to be a member of the competition team, dancers must participate in all events marked as mandatory.
24 Seven Dance Competition and Convention - January 3-5, 2025 (Rochester, NY) - Mandatory competition and convention for team members.
Shake the Ground - February 7-9, 2025 (Savannah, GA) - Mandatory competition for team members.
Starpower - March 7-9, 2025 (Syracuse, NY) - Mandatory competition and convention for team members.
Sheer Elite Dance Competition and Convention - April 25-27, 2025 (Buffalo, NY) - Mandatory competition and convention for team members.
Onstage NY - May 9-11, 2025 (Niagara Falls, NY) - Mandatory competition for team members.
NATIONALS: Sheer Elite Dance Competition and Convention - July 8-12, 2025 (Nashua, NH) - Mandatory competition and convention for team members who qualify.